Slava Sevryukova was born in Bulgaria in 1902 and passed away in the capital Sofia in 1991. Up until 2004 she was relatively unknown to me and to most Bulgarians outside of the capital as well. She lived somewhat in the shadow of Vanga even though they were both women were close in age and knew one another. To be fair the rest of the Bulgarian mystics from the 20th century also lived under the shadow of Vanga.
Slava says she was born with her gifts. One of the first times she recalls her gift manifesting is when she was a little girl, about 8 years old, during World War I. Her father and both brothers were mobilizied, and she remained home with her mother. One day while out with her mom getting fresh water, Slava’s mom says that they hadn’t received a letter from her father in a long time and she’s worried the worst may have happened. In this moment the little girl felt something shiver in her and sees a post card resting on what looked like the fireplace mantle at her aunt’s home. Slava tells her mom that her father had written, and her aunt Kana has the letter. Confused, Slava’s mom asks how she knew that and Slava replies, lying, that one of her cousins had told her so.
Arriving home, her mom heads to aunt’s house to collect the post card. Surprised, the aunt asks what she’s doing there and the mother replies she’s come for the post card because “Tana”, as they nicknamed Slava, had told her had arrived. Confused, the aunt responds that’s not possible because the card just arrived not half hour ago, and Slava’s cousing hadn’t been home in two days!
In her early years Slava refused to admit to her family she could see both the future and the unseen worlds even though others in her family had gifts. In one videotaped interview she says her mom had a gift, and her brother could see “better than Vanga. Not with his eyes but here (points to middle of the chest), with his spiritual eyes”. At 16 she hurriedly marries an Ukranian soldier whose alcoholism she reluctantly talks about. Shortly after they settle in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia, Slava quickly gains local fame due to her abilities. Famed Bulgarian mystic Peter Dunov, known also as Beinsa Douno, would be one of the first to visit her. The two would eventually meet frequently, sharing spiritual information about the future of Bulgaria and the world.
One time on the suggestion of Dunov they ran an interesting experiment. Dunov tells Slava he would visit her sometime in the next several days but not in his body, rather he would come to her in spirit. And Slava should write down the date and time of his visit. Slava says she awated his visit, days later right as she’d started to think she would not see him when Dunov showed up at her house in spirit just like he’d told her. Slava says she wrote down the exact hour and date of the visit and several days later when Dunov visits her in the flesh she hands him the note, and he confirmed that it was indeed that exact time he pushed himself out of his physical body.
For years Slava said she had beings vist her sometime but didn’t know exactly who they were until the 1970s when a visitor wondered if she’d seen the Ascended Masters described by Elena Blavatska in her Theosophy work. One day he showed Slava the paintings of the Ascended Masters by David Anrias and she immediately recognize all of them. Morya and Mahachohan in particular, pointing to Morya and saying “he’s the one that visits me the most”.
- 7/27/2010 Vera: We’re Sinking. The government is not at fault. It’s from the peopleOriginally published in Bulgarian national daily ’24 Hours’ on July 27, 2010, Vera’s birthday, and 8 months before she died on February 11, 2011 at 21:30 local time. By that time she was bedridden, and tired easily from speaking. – – – – – Credit: Rumiana Toneva / 24 Chasa BURYANA BOZHINOVA talks to the… Read more: 7/27/2010 Vera: We’re Sinking. The government is not at fault. It’s from the people
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- Slava Sevryukova on the creation of the Universe and the Big BangThe following set of information is taken from the first four books about Slava with most of that author’s narration removed: The universe is finite – with a beginning and an end. With boundaries and volume. Its shape resembles a giant ellipsoid. A giant egg, and beyond it – “dead space”. * * * A… Read more: Slava Sevryukova on the creation of the Universe and the Big Bang
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- Slava Sevryukova on the Supreme Intelligence, her vision of Christ and what he looked like in real life, Bible prophesies, how the two halves of our faces are formed, John the BaptistThe following are exerpts from the first four books about Slava. Some of the quotes have been paraphrased by the original author. Question: Tell us, Aunt Slava, what is the Supreme Light to you? Slava: God is at the top. Immense consubstantial Power. Incomparable to the human concept of evolution. It fills the universe, the… Read more: Slava Sevryukova on the Supreme Intelligence, her vision of Christ and what he looked like in real life, Bible prophesies, how the two halves of our faces are formed, John the Baptist
- Slava Sevryukova on karma, reincarnation and fateThe following is exceprted from the first four books about Slava Sevryukova. The original author partially or completely paraphrased some of her answer Question: What makes us reincarnate? Why should we copy situations from previous existences? What sends us to the planet Earth […]? Can we do without these wanderings? Slava: They are necessary for… Read more: Slava Sevryukova on karma, reincarnation and fate
- Slava Sevryukova on Higher and Lower AliensThe following is exceprted from the first four books about Slava Sevryukova. Even though they appear quotes, some of the answers by Slava are actually paraphrased by the author of the books using his own words. Slava: Dear friends, the aliens, as you call them, are elsewhere. Not where you’re looking for them. Doctor Sirakov… Read more: Slava Sevryukova on Higher and Lower Aliens
There are two sources covering her life and history – one is 4 books that came out in the early 2000s based on that author’s personal meeting with Slava, and from notes given to him by “the furrow”, a group of people who were closest to her and were present at many of the meetings . This one I consider less reliable, the author has admitted to taking liberties with information and even being fluent in Bulgarian, most of us have found it difficult to separate where the author quotes Slava and where he inserts his own opinions and interpretations
The second source, is the set of books, which I consider more reliable, that are based on transcriptions taken from live notes and audio recordings administered by her asisstant Ivo Lozenski. This second set is comprised of verbatim conversations between Slava and the Ascended Masters where Ivo or someone from the furrow asks questions and the Ascended Masters answer directly. To my knowledge this information remains in Bulgarian.