Slava Sevryukova on Higher and Lower Aliens

The following is exceprted from the first four books about Slava Sevryukova. Even though they appear quotes, some of the answers by Slava are actually paraphrased by the author of the books using his own words.

Slava: Dear friends, the aliens, as you call them, are elsewhere. Not where you’re looking for them.

Doctor Sirakov does not give up:

But, Aunt Slava, why? Do you think flying saucers don’t exist?! He provoked her with fervor. – A huge amount of factual material has been accumulated. How come there are no aliens?!

Slava: Why are you in such a hurry? Why?! … – The soft, warm timbre of the wise aunt Slava pierces the angry scowl, and her eyes darken. – You keep pushing and… mistake after mistake! “He’s trying to dampen our enthusiasm.” – It’s not like that. How many times have I seen these, what do you call them, flying saucers.

(The room reluctantly falls silent.)

Some have living things in them, but they are not that highly developed.

A volcano of a new, even more excruciating howl

Slava: They are at a higher level than ours, but at a low level compared to the other civilizations watching us. – The possessor of spiritual sight continued. – Understand: flying saucers, rockets and other machinery are primitive devices. They are used by not so advanced alien societies. With them they float above the Earth and into interstellar space. It’s a technique. As much as it looks perfect, admirable and stunning, it is LOWER! (Emphasis on the word.)

A thousand sea sirens scream in our souls. Nothing is understood. Indignant angry rant. They raise issues of disagreement. Strange is the taste of feelings.

In the verbal cannonade, who knows how the familiar caressing voice makes its way:

– LOWER, remember well…

Our Teacher makes a sour face. She tossed her head back. Her voice is lost in the terrible chatter. The rule works: those who don’t know don’t shut up, those who know keep quiet. But she continues:

Slava: Machines… Highly developed civilizations, in contrast, are at such a level that they don’t need to use equipment. Did you finally understand me?

And who comes here? You claim that we have the most imperfect aliens. How do they get to our planet? And then back? – We are protesting with reason

Slava: you imagine they need gadgets?… Interesting…

Aunt Slava suddenly fell silent, as if making sense of our responses. Her words stun like an electric shock. The discrepancy with the expectation is huge. Isn’t she even more interesting with that?

We are quieting down. What will come next?

Slava: Yeees. Man is wired to think like this – quietly sighs. He has to transport himself to see it with his eyes. You are right. With aliens, however, it is different. Those beings are perfect. They do not have to travel into space with their organic bodies to see us with eyes or instruments. Do you understand? – The teacher is inscrutable. – High evolution. Machineries to them are simply not needed. They serve the physical bodies. The avant-garde representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations end up directly with us or any corner of space without flying machines. Am I clear?

Why are you talking like that, Aunt Slava?! – We are outraged. – They appear to us in spacesuits and spaceships. And you – superfluous equipment. There are documentary records, witnesses, photographs… Are they forgeries? – We are fired up. Again we subject her to a suffocating barrage of questions. I think we managed to squeeze her.

Slava: There you go, you don’t understand… Oh, I’m tired… I repeat, repeat… the same thing… Why can’t you understand?! Why… – The soothsayer frowns, and the blossoming smile on her spiritual face belies the dissatisfaction. – Some of the aliens really use machines – otherwise they will not fly to us. You are right. They have many times surpassed us in evolution, but, nevertheless, they lag behind the universal cosmic development. They have machines and spacesuits, because they, like us poor people, simply can’t live without them. Do you understand?

Grave silence.

Slava: There are, however, others, listen carefully – highly evolved ones. They do not need flight technologies and spacesuits. But they also present to us in flying saucers to explain how they crossed the cosmic abyss and penetrated into the backwaters of our galaxy. It’s hard to imagine getting around any other way, right?

We look at her in shock.

Slava smiles mysteriously:

Slava: How they screamed! Intelligent people. Well done! But this, dear boys and girls, speaks… Are we to wonder why these facts are not accepted by the people? We’re not ready for a high-level meeting, so that’s why. It’s too early – she laughs loudly and infectiously. A cosmic silence has taken over us. After a while she continues:

In order to perceive the most advanced of the so-called aliens (for me, they are part of the beings of the Universe), it is necessary that they play a kind of cosmic spectacle for us. Is it clear?

Ahh, look!… But then, aren’t all flying machines and spacesuits real?

Slava: Good day! She smiles with relief. – Yes, that’s right. They project flying saucers, clothes, various humanoid figures in our minds. We “see” them, “hear” them and convince ourselves of their “authenticity”. Otherwise, with our primitive, for their level of development, thinking system, we will never understand that they are here. And they have been with us since time immemorial. Alas, our knowledge and intellect are too low to understand this.

It turns out – we are being played sketches with space sham and props, so that we accept them as reality. Otherwise, we won’t know they’re here. What are they aiming for? – We ask thirsty.

They can guide our lives with suggestions. And let us imagine that these are our thoughts – Doctor Mitko Sirakov intervenes carefully.

Slava: Well done, Mitko! Excellent! – She encourages him. – It is important who contacts you, me, her. What is his level. And more – here you are already right – for what purpose. Moreover, they do not interfere directly in our lives, so as not to disrupt our natural evolutionary course.

Man should strive for exalted thoughts and deeds. Remember, we are endowed with the Force. Incomparable, divine! The power of thought. But not everyone sincerely, without harm to others and themselves, uses it. Even less for good. Especially in the political elite. Therefore, a great sifting is ahead among the human race…

There are highly evolved light beings. The life of the highest of them is based on energy. They are without physical bodies.

Question: Aunt Slava, how long have you been communicating with aliens? Explain what alternative intelligence is and…,

Slava: Already thirty summers ago (interrupts the question) I entered into a connection with them. Millions of years passed in front of my psychotronic vision. Ask, what haven’t I seen?!

Question: What is the density of Intelligence in galaxies?

Slava: It is unevenly distributed. The light in their center is most powerful. That’s where its overconcentration is. You will hardly understand it – those beings do not need planets or stars. Highly evolved, penetrating the stars, existing within them and beyond…

Question: You claim – there is a superior Intelligence of the stars. Would it be on the Sun too?

Slava: For the manifestations of the Supreme Light, it does not matter where they reside, what they go through. We cannot perceive them. Evolutionarily we are far from them. As much as the monkey understands the processes in the computer, so we understand the essence of the universe. We notice side effects and consequences. We match them with primitive inferences

Question: Why do UFOs often appear over places known to be centers of earth energy flows? Such are Stonehenge, Belentash…

Slava: They are charged from ecologically clean energy channels of the Cosmos. They also use those [energy centers] found on Earth.

Question: Is there an end to life in the universe?

Slava: No, The Intelligence is eternal. It fills every corner of the Universe. The lives of one or another planet or star are temporary.

Question: Do you see the end of life on our planet?

Slava: Yes.

Question: And after that?

Slava: Then – existence at a higher evolutionary level. A life form without physical bodies.

Question: Are aliens different from us and different from each other? How many species are there?

Slava: I only contact the nobles.” Most are like that. Imagine – to overcome vast intergalactic spaces and reach us, how evolved they are. There are almost no morally debased ones. As far as I know, aliens, as you call them, and for me they are part of the beings of the Universe, among those who visit us, there are seven species. They are one step below Christ…

Question: What do they look like?

Slava: I saw the life of those who had inhabited Earth. They have nirvana and, when they want, they are transported from their promised world to our planet. [she does not give specific description of the aliens]

Question: What depends on us for our future development?

Slava: We must be good, sincere, honest. There should be no lies and bitterness! [As always, she puts emphasis on morality]

Question: Vanga claims – after 200 years a meeting with aliens is set to happen. Will it be so?

Slava: What a question! Contact with them has not stopped. Few are aware of it. Striving for the material, one gets material. If he seeks spiritually, it is given to him. But who aspires to it? There is time… See, you ask about aliens. To give you an answer, I need to gauge your level of knowledge. And then to decide how much and how to enlighten you. Each person is universally unique.

Question: Would you like to share a secret?” How do you communicate with aliens?

Slava: Very simple. If I do like this (palm folded, her right hand twists as if catching something and suddenly opens), they are here, live in front of me…

A large part of intelligent beings – Slava confides – are not from the humanoid genetic pool. What is their genesis? It is difficult to establish. Other paths, turns and trials of evolution have been passed. Crossing Eternity she emphasizes: “They developed faster. They are higher in the evolutionary hierarchy. We will have a hard time understanding them. Among the most advanced, ideas about space and time are absent. They can take any shape they want. For example, to communicate with us, they turn into humanoids. No problem. Our contact with them is problematic.”

Question: Representatives of both types of civilizations reach Earth. Those higher in the cosmic evolution are the spiritual. Which of them do we belong to? Isn’t the Earth a “homo park” controlled by the beings of the Universe? What are the trends?

Slava: At the current stage, the forces pushing us towards a technological civilizational choice prevail. We have followed in the footsteps of less advanced intelligent life forms. After global upheavals and cataclysms in the near and more distant future, cardinal changes are coming – genetic and in our value system. We will receive a powerful boost to the lofty territories of liberated spirituality.

The new generation will change fundamentally. It will develop unsuspecting abilities. With the power of thought, he will penetrate into the unknown and get to know it. This will not happen before the end of the third millennium.

Slava: In the chest, to the right of the heart, I “hear” when higher beings speak to me. Then the Holy Spirit fills my whole body.

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