The following is exceprted from the first four books about Slava Sevryukova. The original author partially or completely paraphrased some of her answer
Question: What makes us reincarnate? Why should we copy situations from previous existences? What sends us to the planet Earth […]? Can we do without these wanderings?
Slava: They are necessary for the soul. Far from chaos, they are connected by similar karmic networks. What is happening now is a consequence of what once happened. Unsolved life cases are repeated with a chance for rehabilitation. Everyone is assigned the hour of birth and death. Whether life is stupidly wasted is up to us. Disadvantages are companions of ruin. We learn from mistakes. If not, with ignorance, toward new, even more difficult ones. And we carry the load before heading to heaven – the door gaping toward hell or heaven.
Question: You claim: fate is determined by us, but even the prophet Jeremiah said: “The path of man does not depend on him. It is not in the power of he who walks to correct his steps.” (10:23) How will you interpret it?
Slava: Fate is predetermined. But there is also the energy of free will. She reshapes it and completes it. With it we clear karma. A part of what happens in the Hereafter with souls takes place on Earth – a great purification. Now are “accelerated times” – a huge army of embodied souls working out karma. But it won’t always be like that…
Question: How long will the wheel of reincarnations spin?
Slava: Until the incarnation in a different environment – home, country, family, era – completes its difficult work. Achieving higher enlightenment closes the circle. Elevated spirituality does not need rebirth. If we attain transcendental mind and nirvana, why put on bodies? What new will we learn as biological beings about physical matter? It will cease to attract us. You ask: how long? This is not determined by anyone else. Let’s not justify ourselves with the “will of the stars”. It is up to us whether we live for the first time or the last time…
With the end of reincarnations, the evolution of souls does not stop. They move to a more advanced form in the world of subtle matter.
Question: Everyone, according to you, is given a next incarnation. Is that fair? The deeds of some will probably outlive them, and the deeds of others are such that they are not even worthy to breathe the air. Even chance? Aren’t some more deserving of the “next life” award than others?
Slava: You all are right. It is good to live in such a way that there is no death after the end. Earthly logic is like that. But what is the cosmic logic? Nobody dies forever. Moreover, a spark from God shines in every soul, and some sooner, some later aspire to Him. The thorny paths draw more strongly to Heaven… You are hinting about those who have deviated from the right direction. It has been said: “Everyone pays for the feast of life.” And aren’t those who failed more in need of a new start? Don’t forget – half of our life is here, the other is beyond. And that one is not always half…
Question: Why do we not have a clear consciousness of previous existences?
Slava: Man’s thinking center is on the right side, near the left cerebral hemisphere, a little behind the top of the head. It is close to the fontanelle. As children, when it closes the information about previous reincarnations is cut off. The memory stays for up to three or four, seven years at the latest. Parents and adults, who have long since lost touch with the past, naively pontificate that children who reconstruct incidents from past lives are fantasizing. Gross mistake. This will be realized by more and more people in the future. It will be rethought by science and religion. Humanity will take a new, spiritual path. The time is near. I see, Christianity will recognize reincarnation. All branches of religion will unite. Enmities will fall away. It will become many times stronger.
Question: You say, “the time is near”. When are these processes?
Slava: We are not mature enough yet. We are blind, driven by passions. Until reincarnation is accepted by countries and peoples, spirituality will stagnate. Only then will people know where they are going, and where they will end up. If this knowledge becomes a common human philosophy, malice and lust for material wealth will be overcome. The killings will stop. It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it?
It is not far off the time when science and religion will accept reincarnation. They will understand – the soul is a traveler from one existence to another – Slava Sevryukova is categorical. – Then life will not be a memoryless labyrinth. There will be an unprecedented ascent.
Question: At death does the soul instantly leave its host, the body, withdrawing into Eternity?
Slava: You imagine that Eternity is beyond? Part of it is here, another part is there… Listen: on the fortieth day, the soul is separated from the flesh, but they are still connected. Until the ninth month, it continues to hover over the Earth. She walks around places she used to live at. Visits relatives. Silently forgiving. It can give signs by tapping and showing up in dreams. During this period, a departure into the invisible world, as real as ours, is being prepared. This applies to medium and high level souls. But there are laggards, admittedly. They don’t realize that they are on the other side of world. And – trouble…
Spiritual entities at different times understand that they have moved Beyond. It depends on their evolutionary development. Some cannot realize for a long time that they are without flesh and blood. They eat and drink. But how? Without a body?… Habits and desires, stuck in souls, tear them apart and burn them… They speak to their loved ones, they want something from them, but no one hears them. Deprived of language… The fire of unfulfilled desires – this is hell. And not some abstract eternal flames… These spiritual entities form the lower astral. Having lost a physical body, they are looking for a suitable being, to satisfy their unquenchable passions through him.
Question: How does this happen?
Slava: The soul of an incorrigible drunkard, for example, can cling to another cupbearer. He hangs out in the pub, and the spiritual essence of the deceased alcoholic, unscathed by earthly challenges, enjoys the flowing fumes before he goes to the Hereafter. Hovering over the drink. It’s intoxicating. It encourages him to keep pouring the alcohol. Ugly picture… No, I don’t want to talk about these things…
[Slava’s husband was an alcoholic and this wasn’t a topic she liked discussing too much]
Quesiton: Could we alleviate the condition of these souls and how?
Slava: We can help the lost with a candle and a prayer. In addition, it is good to avoid places where they hang out – pubs, dark gatherings, dubious companies.
Question: How long do deviations last?
Slava: The connection with Earth is getting thinner and thinner. In the clay wasteland the body withers, not the soul. And – panta rei – the world is perceived through “other eyes”. After the fortieth day, the soul is pushed away from the decaying flesh. However, the final separation takes place only on the ninth month. Then the souls heads for the territory of the heavenly settlements it deserved, according to its deeds.
Question: We are evolving according to a Higher Plan. How far does personal freedom extend? What is the life choice of predestination?
Slava: Detached from the “fortress of the physical body”, the brightest thoughts and feelings from its last earthly manifestations are stored in the Spirit in the Hereafter. Bodily sensitivity guides souls in their evolution. The Imperishable Spirit possesses absolutely infallible internal senses. Many are convinced – you only live once. If the heavens open, they realize with wonder – life does not stop. With another “new birth” nothing is lost in the abyss of infinity.
In flesh and blood, the problems are serious. In the realm of the Hereafter, one realizes what is significant. There, it is judged not by “good or nothing for the dead”, as it is on earth, but according to merit: “with good – and only the truth”. Immersed in the shadows of memory, having acquired new knowledge, the past manifestations in flesh and blood for the spiritual entities prove to be insufficient. Having seen the weaknesses in the expired being, there they enter the Spirit. An unwritten rule works – if you get to the bottom, give an evaluation. From their whole being they sincerely, with unbridled thirst yearn for an even more successful earthly manifestation. To achieve a change.
They are possessed by an irresistible desire to experience new, often even much more difficult purifying trials in another refuge of the body. With readiness to realize the coming incarnation. In the quest for development, they insist that the difficulties be many, but many times more than they can actually bear. This comes from the Spirit’s urge to release accumulated karma and pay back the mistakes of the past. To prevent the growth from stagnating. What is a journey without danger? A difficulty overcome makes us stronger.
Question: Fate, according to you, is predestined from beginning to end. And our role? Scripted actors?
Slava: No, we have a mission to realize within the limits of fate.
Question: Where is it encoded?
Slava: In the soul.
– In the soul?
Slava: Yes, among the divine sparks flashing in the chest. They are hard to ignite! The soul is light. It’s scary, if we turn our backs on her. It should light the way. It is maintained with wisdom. Wisdom gives sense, gives charm even to the darkest season – old age. The beauty of the sunset. As for the base manifestations of every spiritual entity that appeared in the flesh, they are defined from above from the alpha to the omega. Encoded into our destiny, they build it.
Question: A mission, yes. What do you think fate means?
Slava: Fate is also what kind of people you will have to live with, how, in what direction you will take, to what extent you can reveal what is good and what is evil. We do not choose it, we go where it is pointed out to us. It is connected to the previous life because there is reincarnation.
Question: Predestined above, immutable once and for all?
Slava: The most basic. You walk toward it directly or via detours. But one always arrives at the place where it is encoded. For those deprived of personal will, absolutely everything is predetermined. Remember – STRONG FAITH AND LOVE CAN CHANGE EVEN DESTINY.
Question: And free will?
Slava: We have mentioned this once: it is in the personal choice – to carry out what is planned with good or evil.
Question: When does the spirit take up residence in the body?
Slava: And this is a great mystery… Hardly anyone would reveal it. I will try to enlighten you. Somewhat. The man carries the spirit within himself. The Bible says “Abraham’s seed”. The woman feels the child only from the fourth month onwards, when it kicks in her womb. I told you, up to a point… The hardest thing in this world is to dare to feel with the mind of the heart and think for yourself.
Question: How long does reincarnation last?
Slava: For those who have achieved perfection, sufferings are eliminated during the coming evolutionary stages. Reincarnation for them is then absolutely superfluous.
Question: The place of happiness?
Slava: At the discretion of the Supreme Power, the degree of load and rest in the flesh is determined. – The prophetess arranged the words in a machine-gun haste. In a state of hyperexcitement, as if the heavens were opening. – Think – what slows down development as much as an unrelenting monotonous happiness? Where does this adorable little tyrant take you? Gliding down with it like a whirlwind, we will smash our foreheads into the gates of hell. The path to the stars is steep. The obstacle check must be passed. Overcoming adversity is life’s greatest blessing. That’s why some reach the place they left for, others – where they started from… Miracles are also performed with the invisibility hat, but… only in fairy tales – she smiles broadly.
Miracles require a gift from heaven… Man is like the fruit of the vine – the harder he is pressed and crushed by the bare, bruised heels of Fate, the more bitter and intoxicating wine he turns into. Or in vinegar – if if it remains in idleness.
where happiness and unhappiness pave the way, Wisdom is the ultimate goal. Kindness and Love illuminate her! A holiday is the day when we are kind.
Recorded on 11 April 1986
Question: You have talked about reincarnation more than once. What is it guided by, Aunt Slava!
Slava: by karma. Because of her, a person appears many times on Earth. A establishes its path. The goal is to “complete” and elevate the soul. Karmic debt is necessarily paid in the next or several earthly manifestations. It is not necessary to meet at all costs with the person with whom it is entangled, but it must be cleared. Through reincarnation, souls are perfected. They come like a starfall from life to life to plunge into the bittersweet trials of earth.
Question: What is karma directed by?
Slava: From our deeds, thoughts, feelings. But don’t imagine that feelings create it. Actions build it. You can think and feel whatever you want, but to act – here is the responsibility. The path of evolution passes through various trials. Not all of them are karma. Such are the great calamities – severe illnesses, crushing catastrophes, agonizing death. The manner of its redemption is formed by the Higher Power.
Even the most hierarchically elevated spiritual beings are not always allowed to intervene here.
Question: Apart from Earth, could this process extend to other planets, in other galaxies?
Slava: For us – in earthly conditions. Intelligence in the Cosmos is no exception. He himself is intellect. As far as I can “see,” countless planets throughout Infinity are inhabited by highly evolved sentient beings. Not everyone is like us. Even within the similarities, some are bigger, some smaller. They also create and clear karma, but that is a vast topic.
Question: What do you think our level of evolution is?
Slava: We are the most advanced of the creatures on our home planet. But among the rest of the manifestations of Intelligence in the Universe, we are among the spiritually catching up. I have already shared – “most of the inhabitants in the flesh of various star systems are superior”. We are too firmly attached to the earth. For this reason, God once descended among our ancestors in human form, to help personally with life and instruction. He appeared when they were ready to receive him. If this had happened at a low evolutionary stage, the Higher Intelligence would have remained misunderstood and “rejected”. That is why the “new era” of mankind is marked with the coming of Christ.