Peter Dunov: Quotes and prophesies part 1

If we tell modern people that we are at the end of the century, they will say: “There is only a threat here.” If the Japanese had been told six months ago that a great earthquake would come in which Japan would remain as a minor country, they would have laughed, but now it is a fact. An American [Edgar Casey] predicted several earthquakes, and whatever he predicted, everything came true. I am not saying it, he is saying: “An earthquake is coming to Europe, which will start from the north, it will shake all of Europe so that it will remember that earthquake for thousands of years.” He also explains the reasons for this earthquake: In the Old Testament it is said: “See that your deeds do not become so bad that the Earth can no longer bear you.” (THE TWO NATURAL METHODS, Sunday Talks, 1923-24)

An American astrologer predicted that Bulgaria, part of the Balkan Peninsula in general, would collapse in an earthquake. Is this possible? It’s possible, it can happen. (THE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS COME, Sunday Talks, 1924-25)

What will happen to Bulgaria? It has been sown and will have to sprout – to suffer. […] What will happen to Romania? What happens to a robber when he is released from prison – he goes home. Romania will be surrounded with Slavs and will remain like an island in the sea. See, the issue with the Greeks is different – they have a culture, but they have to behave well with the Slavs in order to have a blessing. Otherwise, God will send them the old masters, the Italians. Now the culture is transferred to Slavism. The Bulgarians and the rest of the Slavs must unite. But when talking about future culture, the mind of Poles and Serbs should not be relied upon, because their mind is the mind of money. They have reached the money, the power and the authority, and the future culture wants something more. (ASK STRENGTH, HAVE FAITH, Extraordinary Discourses, 1914-19)

Today [1932] everyone is interested in the fate of Slavism. Russia, as a representative of Slavism, will go through great trials, through a specific path of development. From now on, trials are coming for her. If you are alive until then, you will see what trials she will go through – reasonable trials. This applies not only to Russia, but also to Europe, to all of humanity. All will go through reasonable trials. Having passed through the great trials, people will say: «This is not the way to live! There is another path in life.” I know that politics and politicians will not save humanity. They too bring ideas, but they are not carriers of the New. Others will save them. Others are bearers of the New. Today, humanity lives in lovelessness. Love will save it. (THE NEW THOUGHT, Lectures to the General Occult Class, 1932-33)

What has Bulgaria lost? Take for example two neighbors, one of whom somehow takes the other’s property. The robbed has a son and the other has a daughter. Young people fall in love and when they get married, who gets richer? Now Greeks, Serbs and Bulgarians, God will marry them – God will unite them in union. “Why did you punish us?” Because Bai Gagno the Bulgarian fights, there is a law by which he is punished. It’s better that it happened. (ASK STRENGTH, HAVE FAITH, Extraordinary Discourses, 1914-19)

The Greeks will lose even their pants. They are like that mouse that, in order to get into the trap, goes around it two or three times, doesn’t go in, doesn’t go in, and when it thinks it has its plan, pulls the pastrami, and bang – the trap door closes. She sits down and thinks about what happened. Her philosophy has not helped her. (I CHOOSE YOU, Extraordinary Discourses, 1920)

It is a law: What you have done will come back to you. This Law is general and applies to all living beings, to all peoples. God deals equally with all creatures – the war proved that. The Bulgarians are unhappy that when they went to Paris, they were not given the right. From whom do they seek their right? […] Right does not exist on Earth – there never was, there isn’t, and there never will be. Right is an attribute of the Divine World. To judge rightly, a person must be wise, must understand the causes and consequences of things, analyze his every action. The head of Europe has to suffer a lot more until it finds out whether there is a God or not, whether there is a Divine World or not. All nations will know whether Divine Right exists or not. (TO LOVE THE LORD, Sunday Discourses, 1916-1920)

God now raises and lowers His staff on the backs of the Bulgarians. They say “They killed us!” No, only the pods were thrown aside. I bless every person beaten by the Lord or by some sage, because that is how he is magnetized. Anyone who is beaten by the Lord becomes a genius and a saint. Blessed is that people upon whom the Rod of God rises and falls. This fight will create all the virtues. And Bulgaria, on which the Divine Staff is now falling, will be freed from all the pods, from all the chaff – only the pure grain will remain in it. (TO LOVE THE LORD, Sunday Discourses, 1916-1920)

Soon, this year, 4,444 Bulgarians will enter the sacred fire of Love. Do you know what Bulgaria will look like when they come in and out? As they enter and exit, a door will open after them and others will enter; after them still others. Bulgarians who enter and exit through this door will gain something special. Whoever sees them will say: “These are the Bulgarians.” Which Bulgarians am I talking about? About those who have passed through 35 million degrees of Divine Heat. (HE TEACHED THEM, Sunday Talks, 1923)

Now all the brotherhoods that are incarnated in the physical world today will begin to meet and get to know each other. When they unite, that is when the age of Christ’s coming will come. But there are still some obstacles that will take 35-40 years to overcome. Therefore, we see that everywhere efforts are being made to achieve this unification. Therefore we will send these thoughts to our other brothers for their benefit. The most active brothers are among the Moravian Brotherhood, but among the Serbs, Montenegrins and Poles the Brotherhood is the most stagnated. And you will also be able to recognize the members of these brotherhoods, you will in time and according to your spiritual level be given to know their distinguishing marks. And now you will be content to know that all these brotherhoods will be scattered among the Slavs, who will then rise up. I want to show you what the Divine plan is so that you can fulfill your mission. We will work in conjunction with him to support all these brothers of ours who make up the Church. The real ties between us are not material, but spiritual, and it follows that all those who come among you and want to learn something are of this Brotherhood. And this is how you will recognize these people – when you meet such a brother, with him you will always be able to understand each other, there will be no contradictions between you, something that you will not be able to explain to yourself, will attract and connect you to him. Such a man is of this Brotherhood. I have already reported the number of members of this Brotherhood in Bulgaria another time. (Minutes from the Annual Meeting of the Chain in Tarnovo, 31.8.1912)

The White Brotherhood, which guides the destinies of humanity – you are not yet White Brothers, but are in the elementary school of this brotherhood – will take an important action for the coming of the New Culture after 1975. Then there will be a need for many workers of God’s Field. (THOUGHTS FOR EVERY DAY)

A new era is coming now. Sentient beings descend on Earth to fix the world. (THE COVENANT OF LOVE, Sermons, 1944)

7,000 advanced beings, adepts, will be born in the Slavic countries by the end of the 20th century, and they will form one great wave of ascent. (THOUGHTS FOR EVERY DAY, the date of this speech of the Master is given as 1944, Murchaevo.)

There are eight thousand adepts coming into the world who will be born – some will come into the bodies. They are bearers of the New, of the future, and this future will impose itself on humanity. The future culture will be imposed on people while they sleep and in the morning they will wake up transformed. (THOUGHTS FOR EVERY DAY)

It is predicted that by the end of this century eight thousand adepts will come, who will incarnate in all corners of the Earth and will give a new direction to social, to religious, to family life, as well as to the whole culture. Everything existing up to now will be changed and a new, proper life will be created as they understand and know it. They have taken all measures for this reform, with which they will surprise the world. Thus they will create the New Humanity that no one expected. Only in this way can the world be fixed. […] Many ask: «When will the world be fixed?» The world will be made right when these eight thousand adepts come. (THE OLD PASSAGE, Sunday Talks, 1926-27)

You are for me preliminary stations through which I want to transmit a truth to the whole world through you, as through transmission stations a teaching will be transmitted. These ideas that I am presenting here will be adopted in Russia, and there Paneurhythmy will be played. Slavism will have a great future. 7,000 advanced beings, adepts, will be introduced to the Slavic peoples by the end of the 20th century and will form a rising wave. The smartest, the best will be born in Slavism and the motto will be Brotherhood and Love. (THOUGHTS FOR EVERY DAY, the year of the speech is given as 1934)

Some say that the warehouse was full of talks and they are worried, they don’t know what to do with them. There will come a day when people will starve and go from house to house looking for them to feed on this Word that is given in the talks. There will come a day when other organizations will get involved – they will help, they will spread the talks. I have been asked if this movement has opponents. The time is coming when all those who oppose will lose ground under their feet and seek us. They talk bad about you and the Brotherhood, why don’t you defend yourself? The truth has no reason to justify or defend. The ages are before us – they will tell (testify) about us. I did not start this movement by my will, but by the order of God. It is not man’s work, but God’s. There is no case in the annals of nature where anyone has worked with Love and lost something. Every obstacle that stands in the way of this movement will be removed – everyone who opposes the Truth will suffer. This movement is both old and new, it is Divine and it will flood the world. If it withdraws from here, Bulgaria will have no future. If it doesn’t apply here, it will apply elsewhere. (THOUGHTS FOR EVERY DAY)

After three years, the Sun enters a new sign, a new era, which will last 25 thousand years. The Sun enters Aquarius. This was predicted astrologically back in the time of Christ. It is predicted that when the Sun enters Aquarius, something new will be implanted in the souls of all people – a new drive, a new aspiration. The nations will unite, the Sixth Race will come to Earth, the Sons of the Kingdom of God. Then the guns will turn into plowshares. The earth will become a garden of paradise. Life for 25 thousand years opens before you. (THE FIVE BROTHERS, Sunday Talks, 1917-38) (29.4.1923)

The earth has remained for millions of years in the thirteenth sphere and is now emerging from it and ascending. The Dark Age (Kali-Yuga) is ending. Several years ago we entered the Age of Aquarius. The Age of Aquarius is a mystical age in which all the snow and ice begins to melt. Aquarius cleans – who finds themselves in this area will certainly be cleaned. It takes two thousand and one hundred years for the age of Aquarius to expire, during which time enormous changes will take place, everything old will be seen as archaic. Other, new leaves will sprout in place of the old ones. The old will satisfy no one. A powerful spiritual wave will flood the world, dark forces will melt, the earth will be cleansed. The Word will be in the air. (THOUGHTS FOR EVERY DAY)

The earth is emerging from the thirteenth sphere, in which it has been until now – a sphere of trials and sufferings, of misfortunes and hardships. (ETERNAL GOOD, Congregational Discourses, 1943)

Now we enter the line of demarcation between two eras. From 1945 we are entering a new era. From this year, a gradual improvement of human thoughts, feelings and actions begins. There is an improvement in the human organism. Relationships between people also improve. […] A fundamental organic change in life is coming. It will be pleasant for people to live. (THE COVENANT OF LOVE, Sermons, 1944)

After the war, there will be talk of a United States of Europe, and this idea will come to fruition. (THOUGHTS FOR EVERY DAY, 1.V.1940)

When they hear the words “End Times” many will become afraid, they will think that the world is ending. The words “Last days” mean the last date of maturity. Whoever misses the due date, he will still pay, but together with the interest, and whoever pays on time, he will be freed from the interest. (SONS OF THE RESURRECTION, Sunday Talks, 1927-28)

Now let me tell you about the future: If you are deprived of Love, great suffering awaits you. If you are deprived of Wisdom, great suffering awaits you. If you are deprived of the Truth, great suffering awaits you. (THE COVENANT OF LOVE, Sermon, 1944)

You were born in an era of greatest opportunity. You are the most fortunate, but also the greatest misfortunes await you. There have never been luckier people in the world than the present, but there is also no more unlucky age than this one. For he who climbs the highest mountain peak, he will climb up high to see, but if he falls down from there, there is no worse fall than this. (LIFE, LIGHT AND FREEDOM, Sunday Talks, 1931-1932)

Today, everyone wants to know what the future system will be. The future system with these same individuals can be just like the current one. If you want men in the future to be different from the present, the best men, the most learned men, the cleverest men—preachers, bishops, kings, princes, counts, and lords—must come down to work. Writers must be first in the fields – everywhere, in all establishments. And let the guards be learned and noble. The guard must have completed four faculties, and the chiefs – more than four faculties. When you meet him then, you will bow to him, and he, when he meets you, will bow to you. All the guards will only go around the city once and it will be quiet and peaceful. (Sunday Talks, 1931-1932)

What is the future? The future is where human consciousness has not penetrated. The past is where human consciousness is already extinguished, and the present is where consciousness now comes and flares up. In this respect, the life in which consciousness is kindled will use both the past and the future. (THEREFORE I WAS BORN, Sunday Talks, 1926-27)

All of humanity is now going through a phase that is inevitable. Nothing can alter this move. The reasons for this are from the distant past. One might say that we humans are the cause of this. We are not the only reason. Earthquakes happen for thousands of other reasons – we may contribute something to earthquakes, but the reasons are even further away. We may contribute to earthquakes to some extent, but what are the real causes? And the most learned men, the philosophers, could not unravel them – if they could unravel them, if they knew the causes, a cure could be found for this disease. From the perspective of the Divine, there is a cure, there is a cure, and we are now moving toward healing. The invisible world has prepared a place for deliverance. Now in this space we find ourselves in the most unfavorable conditions. The place where we are gives birth to this disorder. We are now in a place of destruction. These things that are happening now are due to known debris – projectiles falling on Earth from space, and ten million such projectiles are encountered every year. One day we will come to a better place and then there will be peace. In that space in which we now travel, we are in danger – it is as in the Atlantic Ocean, through which steamers travel and are in danger from icebergs. (TAKE THE CHILD, Sunday Talks, 1931-1932)

I say: Important times are now coming for humanity when people should not be discouraged. More important times than the present have never come upon the earth. The times you are now experiencing are great in their ideas. Many beings of the Unseen World would give millions to be present at these times on Earth, but they are not being let in – all the tickets for the performance to be given on Earth have already been sold. Many angels are knocking, wanting to come for this performance that is about to take place, but there are no more seats. Therefore, those of the people who are dissatisfied with their lives, let them sell their tickets to one of the mentioned angels, let them come to Earth, and let the dissatisfied people go above. What I am telling you is a great Truth. Now is the time for everyone to show that they are human. Whether you are Bulgarian, English, American, German or whatever, it doesn’t matter – the times are the same for everyone. The important thing for you is to use the good conditions of life. (THEREFORE I WAS BORN, Sunday Talks, 1926-27)

Now all mankind is at the end of the age. The New Age is coming, which brings a state of health for all. There is no more beautiful state for a sick person than when his health begins to improve and he looks forward to the day when he can get on his feet and leave his bed. (THE NEW BEGINNING, Morning Words, 1943-44)

When Christ was on Earth, Satan was in the astral field; now it is the other way around – Satan is on Earth, and Christ is operating in the astral field. Satan will incarnate here in Europe, in a ruling house, he will draw all the negative elements to himself, then finally he will be crucified. (WALK INTO THE LIGHT, Extraordinary Discourses, 1898-1913)

We want the Lord to come to Earth, but for this to happen, we must be ready, because at one time Christ came among the Jews, but since they were not ready, they created karma and we see what the consequences were. Now Christ is coming among the Caucasian race, the European nations, and if they do not accept Him, the yellow race will conquer them and they will fight to the death. The greatest misfortune possible will befall them. (WALK INTO THE LIGHT, Extraordinary Discourses, 1898-1913)

Everything that happens around you and that you see and hear – and mobilizations, and various preparations and armaments – solves absolutely nothing. The wars of the world are for the wrong people. We should not hinder a Divine plan, because these people who are going to tremble now have their karma and when the Lord sends punishment, we should not interfere. […] For 75 years the world has been under siege, and in 1897 this world was given an ultimatum from Heaven, which expired in 1914. However, Turkey sinned – it turned out that she was not ready to fulfill God’s Will, and therefore she will receive her retribution. She has made many advances, and in the meantime the peoples who are under her rule must now be given freedom. In your minds, you should not be afraid, because by doing so you are hindering the Work of God. (WALK IN THE LIGHT, Extraordinary Talks, 1898-1913) (September 23, 1912, when the mobilization for the Balkan War was announced.)

It has been said that Love is the fruit of the Spirit, and the Spirit is the Creator. And this Great Spirit that creates is now coming into the world. He descends periodically, and this descent will manifest itself in such a way that the minds of men will be confused and they will not know one another. He will mix them up and it will become a mess, from which he will sift, sift, and whatever is clean he will take out, and the rest will sink down. This is exactly what is now coming into the world – the Spirit has begun to sift things. (THE NEW LIFE, Council talks at the Council in 1922 in Tarnovo)

Scripture says: Once more the Lord will shake the Earth and every living thing will know that there is justice in the world; every living thing will know that there is Wisdom in the world; every living thing will know that there is Truth in the world; every living thing will know that there is Love in the world; every living thing will know that there is virtue in the world! (THE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS COME, Sunday Talks, 1924-25)

When the Earth shakes, you will know everything. It will happen and you will all see it – seeing it will make you all wiser. (THE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS COME, Sunday Talks, 1924-25)

The intelligent life that flows from the Spirit has manifested many times in the world, but as the world is developing today, it shows that the whole solar system has entered a new zone of the Spirit. This entry took place from 1914, in the twentieth century. In this way, the earth has entered a new zone, a new phase of union with the Sun. This will be proven at most after 1-2 centuries by the scientists of that time. Because the beings on the Sun are much more advanced than the people on Earth, this has an effect on our earth. We have entered into a relationship with a virgin matter and therefore await Resurrection. Therefore, those people who are ready for this time will perceive this life elixir and will be resurrected, and those who are not ready will fall asleep and wait thousands of years more for the new conditions that will come in the future. (Sunday Discourses, 1925-26)

The current state of affairs in America is a major financial war. Wilson gave 14 rules to the Americans, but they did not resist them. Now for the white race there is a stricter law than Wilson’s rules – the Divine Law. A commander-in-chief is charged with the great task of showing the white race that the Law of God is coming into the world. He will prevail over the people. This law is immutable and no one can abrogate it. When the white race recognizes the existence of God’s Law and applies it to life, the Commander-in-Chief will be dismissed from his office and appointed as the servant of the Sixth Race. People of the white race will also be dismissed from their positions and replaced by new people from the Sixth Race. (THE THIEF AND THE SHEPHERD, Sunday Talks, 1929-30)

Now the Lord is coming into the world to bring the Third Testament to the people. Amazing, even the Third Testament! Yes, there will be a Third Testament! It will be a covenant for the glorification of the Sons of God. With this covenant, Love will come into the world and people will learn the great science of how to live by Love. When I tell people today that the Third Testament is coming to the world, they answer: “This is a heretical teaching.” We say: This misunderstanding is in the order of things. (Sunday Talks, 1923)

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