Slava Sevryukova on the Supreme Intelligence, her vision of Christ and what he looked like in real life, Bible prophesies, how the two halves of our faces are formed, John the Baptist

The following are exerpts from the first four books about Slava. Some of the quotes have been paraphrased by the original author.

Question: Tell us, Aunt Slava, what is the Supreme Light to you?

Slava: God is at the top. Immense consubstantial Power. Incomparable to the human concept of evolution. It fills the universe, the Earth. It is everywhere… But it is beyond our senses.

You ask about God. At this time I see a ladybug and a grasshopper. God’s creatures. Insects too have particle of the spirit of the Father…

The spark of divine spirit in man strives to overcome the temporary earthly shell. Souls intuitively feel the Great Presence. It lifts them up to move forward through humility, faith and love. The path of development is thorny.

Close to God is Christ. He is a fragment from the Father. For that, they are equal.

The Son of God was created on the highest level. Krishna and Muhammad are prophets with earthly parents. They gave spiritual guidance to the nations in a certain period. Christ is a divine substance, a fragment of the Absolute, made flesh. That is why he is far above them spiritually. He fills the entire universe.

Everything is given to me to see: what, how, why is happening and what should be. To see reality as it is, not someone who makes more mistakes than you, to teach you how to live… The truth is embedded only here (points to head). If this opens there (touches the middle of the forehead, where, according to esoteric schools, the “third eye” is located) and the scale that covers it falls off – it’s over, it’s over! You will see, you will hear, you will be given knowledge. And with the first specks of dust you receive, remember: as kind as possible, as kind as possible…

Question: Is another flood coming, Aunt Slava? But already “fiery” as foretold in the Book of Books?

Slava: I will tell you, I will repeat, I will repeat… The Bible is built on the basis of historical facts, but there are also symbols in it. The fire spoken that is spoken about are are sharp clashes, bloody wars of destruction that I see looming… (her face sharpens. Staring into the immeasurable, the coming events burn her gaze.) Whatever we do, they are inevitable. They have been and they will be.

But the human race, know, will not perish by fire. It was “suggested” to me to convey – we are at the end of a cycle of our millennial development. We are approaching another – much more significant and elevated. After it we will become completely different. Just as the survivors of the Flood were no longer the same…

Question: Have you seen Christ, Aunt Slava? Is the time near when He will appear in flesh and blood as foretold in the Holy Scriptures?

Slava: Listen well. What I am about to convey to you will be difficult for you to accept. It is said: “Christ will come again to Earth and every knee will bend to see him…” What do you think, with the Bible goes to bed, with the Bible gets up your aunt Slavka – smiles. (She is not exaggerating – she is a strong believer – n.b.) – Oh, how I wanted to see when this would happen! And it was given to me. But what? Not what you expect, no. The truth is completely different. Listen.

God’s son is now the Word. Universal soul. He never appeared on Earth as claimed to be a “redeemer”. The merchants, who from time immemorial have benefited from the temple, try in vain to make it so. He does not redeem anything, but only instructs those who “have ears to hear and eyes to see” with insight. He is rather our Savior – with life, personal example and messages.

He is not about to be reborn on Earth as a human being in flesh and blood, as they, the cunning peddlers of ideas, behind which money make noise enticingly, try to deceive us. Divine, much higher is the Supreme Design.

In time the son of God will dwell in every rational human being. It will merge with it. This will gradually change it.

Christ is the New Man. Man – until the end of the coming age. (2800 – n.b.) The bearer of the virtues of the Future. We will go to the Hereafter. We will come back. We will go again… And more and more these virtues will be embedded in us.

And you will see Christ in your brother, in your sister, and they in you. How? – With the virtue that you will achieve, with the price of trials overcome in more than one incarnation, you will no longer be what you were. You will become finer and better. And also the brother, the sister…

Man will be as much Christ as Christ is in him. This is how I see the Second Coming.

Do you understand? And not, as it is interpreted, that the Savior would come a second time in flesh and blood to us. To dispense justice with a “flaming sword”. Again to guide, to preach.

How long? Why? Have we not learned lessons from His Great Lesson for two millennia? Haven’t we improved? Haven’t we wised up a little bit? It has been said: “The door behind which virtue meekly awaits us is difficult to open; the door behind which vice tempts us is hard to close…

Listen… – she lowers her voice. – Not beauty, but goodness in man will save the world. Is there anything more charming on this Earth than it?

There is no well-trodden path to God – she concludes solemnly. – He is Compassion and Love. It will be in us and with us if we have preserved Humanity. The fruits of the good we have done will then never be taken away from us. Never, never. Not in this existence, not in the next. But if our path starts from the heart, let’s not expect it to be smooth and calm…”

Slava’s vision of who Christ is

More than once I have prayed to see God the Father, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. And a vision was revealed to me. But before that I heard: “What will appear before you is not God, but his reflection. Human eyes cannot behold the First Cause of causes…”

At that moment, a mighty throne rose in the starry space. Something flashed above it. A huge rock rose up. It spanned the universe from end to end.

And a voice cried out: “God is like her!”

I will note again – not that it was God. Such a pictorial insight presented itself to me to explain to myself the grand scope of the Universal Soul. A colossal power filled and controlled the Universe with an all-pervading Mind.

Then Christ appeared before my spiritual vision – a dazzling golden-silver Light twisted and broke away from the huge rock. Piercingly bright. I moaned. My eyes hurt badly. I squinted. In fact, it was not the Savior who stood before me, but His reflection.

Words vibrated everywhere: “This is the Son of the Father, your Jesus Christ, not begotten of man.”

The Holy Spirit circled around Him – a brilliant radiance, encircling the Universe. I saw: The Creator plucked a star cloud of flickering light from within. Turned it into radiant dust. He scattered them. They flew out in a beautiful huge swarm. A moment later, he put one of them into each of the human beings. It shone. It pulsed. It illuminated their souls.

The “space of the human world” is beautiful. Seen from above, it resembles star embers. Billions of divine sparks are shining, kindling in hearts. In moments of enlightenment we realize – God’s spark ignites our energy.

Question: What did Jesus look like in his earthly manifestation, Aunt Slava? Is it true that he acquired some of his rich knowledge in the far East, in India and Tibet, where he is said to have resided in his early youth? This is what some modern researchers are trying to prove – we ask hesitantly

Slava: I don’t guess, I know for sure. Listen well. I saw the son of God in his human manifestation on Earth.

With a tunic. Height tall, slender. Warm brown eyes. Chestnut hair almost to the shoulders – slightly curly and soft. Beard with a slightly reddish tint. Gentle, elegant hands. Noble traits.

Charming, captivatingly beautiful. The correct word is magnetic. Once you see Him, you cannot take your eyes off Him even for a moment. Such was Jesus, who endured the suffering of the world, which collected “all the salt of the earth”. I examined him carefully – the two halves of his face were perfectly symmetrical. It is not so with any mortal.

It is known: the two components of the human face are not exactly the same. It is said that the left half is inherited from the mother, the right half from the father. Transporting myself in time, I see: the left half of the face is predetermined by the previous life. The right is genetically acquired from the current parents.

Jesus’ face was over-proportioned. The two halves are exactly the same. You can guess why, right?

(We’re speechless in amazement.)

Slava: Because he has never before come in the flesh on Earth – the prophetess explains. And continues.

This incredible symmetry gave Him an irresistible charm and appeal. A unique appearance. He attracted thousands of people who listened to His words with enthusiasm. This is what the son of God looked like on earth – the most beautiful Jew in the world!

Although he is an itinerant preacher, I have never seen him go to India or Tibet. Apart from the forced journey as a child in Egypt, which the Bible speaks of, He is always on Jewish land.

Question: And John the Baptist? –

Slava: I also saw his meeting with John the Baptist. John’s aura was bright. It glowed a foot or so around him. An impressive sight. People noticed it, stopped in front of him in bemusement.

But as I gazed carefully into its glow, I noticed subtle tiny specks. At that moment I heard a voice: “It is so because he was conceived by a man. No matter how pure it is, when it is in the flesh, the soul also bears its marks.

The impact of the Son of God was many times stronger – all bathed in light. His aura had a divine radiance.

Question: Where is Christ in the Hereafter? What is it like? – New questions erupt. What will she answer? Time seems to have stopped.

Slava: And this is what I prayed to “see”, but I was told: “Don’t dare! He is an ingredient of God, a part of the Whole. A golden-silver pearly glow radiating Universal Love. Light. All-powerful, all-encompassing, burning. And Force. You can feel it, not see it. Whoever tries to catch a glimpse of her will go blind. A huge energy. If a person in the flesh touches Her, he will be instantly burned to ashes

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