Vanga: No cunning person has ever outwitted his fate

There is no person who is born only for happiness. Here – one is born an excellent worker, but there is no happiness in the family. Another has both, but no health. A third is healthy, but his children are sick, and so on. In every person there is both good and evil. That is how the world is arranged…

Someone thinks that if they have money, they can buy love, but that’s a waste of time. Love cannot be bought with money. Or they think that when they become rich, everything will be fine, but that’s not true either. People work, work, accumulate money and things, and then take it, die, and leave everything to someone else. Those who accumulate a lot never use it. Someone else collects the fruits of their labor. Therefore, it is more correct to say: don’t accumulate, money is a means of living, use it every day…

For every person, periods of difficulty come. Even for the richest and the strongest. Therefore, one must strive to be humble, so as not to die in the arms of evil…

A person will never make money if he does not do the right job. He must first find out what he likes to do the most, and not be a slave to fashion or someone’s advice…

Do not grumble against the suffering you experience. Suffering is a purifying agent, like a garment that is not clean unless it is washed…

We live in difficult times. People have nothing in common with each other. Mothers give birth to children, but they have no milk to nurse them. They say it’s because they were nervous. That’s not it. Children simply have nothing in common with their mothers, they only came into the world through them. Children receive nothing from their mothers: neither milk nor warmth. They are sent to nurseries when they are very young, they are put to sleep separately at night, they rarely see the smile on their mother’s face.

Mothers are unhappy that their husbands don’t respect them enough. Husbands think they got married just because they had to go through their turn. Adults are unhappy that the young don’t respect them. Nobody is close to anyone. People are only interested in money now. They think that if they have money, everything will be fine. They don’t know that one day this money won’t be of any use to them…

Poverty is a flower, do not rejoice in wealth. Poverty allows you to rejoice in children, friends, relatives. And wealth makes the soul sick…

Whoever steals will cry for health…

Sometimes I am very nervous, and people think I am bad. And I see the surroundings and the circle that is gradually narrowing around the earth, I experience the suffering of all people and I cannot and do not dare to explain it, because a very strict voice constantly warns me not to try to explain anything, because people deserve the life they lead. How can I help these people who increasingly do not respect anyone, who are competing to acquire money and things…

Don’t ask for too much – you can’t pay the price...

There is no cunning man, even the greatest, who has outwitted his fate. He will cunning as much as God has given him. And then he has no right to leniency!…

Let everyone know that nothing goes unpaid in this world. People commit crimes and think that no one has seen them. It is not so! Everything is seen and the time comes when the guilty must pay!…

Work in the morning and during the day. Never in the evening. The powers above do not help in the evening, and without their help nothing great can be born…

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